Day 1. Arrive Cairo. Proceed to hotel check-in. Rest of the day is free to relax.  (optional evening cruise on the Nile).


Day 2.  Breakfast. Full day tour:  The Pyramids, Sphinx, citadel of Sallahaddin’ Muhammed Ali Masjid, Al Hussain Musjid., Khan Al-Khalili     Souk’


Day 3. Breakfast. Free time. Transfer to airport in the afternoon for flight to Amman, Jordan. arrive in Amman and proceed to hotel.


Day 4: Breakfast. Depart for Palestine border. After crossing over proceed

to Jerusalem.


Day 5. Breakfast. Full day tour: Jerusalem , Bethlehern and Hebron,


Day 6. Breakfast. Free time’


Day 7. Breakfast. Proceed to Jordan border. cross over and proceed to

Amman passing Dead Sea.


Day 8. : Breakfast. Free time at Amman ( Optional Full day tour to Petra. )


Day 9. : Breakfast. Free time until transfer to Amman airport for flight to Beirut. Arrive Beirut and proceed to hotel


Day 10 city tour of Beirut, proceed to Faraya (snow resort) if there is no

There, enjoy, snowmobile rides (optional).


Day 11 : Breakfast. Deport for Harissa, Tour of the amazing Jeita Grotto. Return to hotel


Day 12 Breakfast. Free time. Checkout at noon. Deport for Beirut airport for departure